A few days back I posted a photo of my latest diaper cake, and here it is, in its party setting awaiting the Mommy to be! Isn't it pretty! The young lady who asked me to put this together we have known since she was at least 6 years old. She was our neighbor, went to school with my children and became bestest of friends with my one and only daughter.
What a wonderful caring person she has grown up to be. She threw this baby shower for her co-worker who recently not only lost her own mother, but her Aunt in a very bad car accident. I can only imagine how devastating not having your mother there for you during your pregnancy and the future with her grand child. Very heartbreaking.
So our neighbor, sweet little caring person that she is not only gave her a shower but purchased the goodies for the diaper cake that I put together for her. She even tried to pay me for it, she is so sweet! Did I mention that? :)
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