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Sunday, February 9, 2020

Crochet Heart Scarf

Posted by Angela B. at 1:52 PM

Finished my first Valentine project of the season! I found this code to make the continuous heart pattern on a triangle scarf. I decided since I dont know anyone who wears the triangle shaped scarves I would make mine a regular scarf about 65 to 70 inches in length. I say that because in all honesty, I just finished this last night and I have not even measured the length yet to tell you about it before writing this post. I am so terrible at this blogging stuff. Lol! 

I know after a few washes those hearts wont even resemble a heart. But for now it is a beautiful gift to let someone know they warm your heart. ;)

I will post links to patterns used below as soon as possible. Thank you for stopping by Aunt B’s Creations! 

(Link Coming Soon)


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