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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Snowman Full Body Candy Cane Hugger

Posted by Angela B. at 11:39 AM


Isn’t he cute? If you are anything like me, you buy several boxes of candy canes to place on your holiday tree every year. They just hang there in no special particular way. Well, why not use a candy cane hugger? 
I have owned the BrotherSE 400 for about 9 years and have hardly used it. You know me, I have to keep alternating my hobbies or I will get totally burned out. I dusted the machine off for a stub cover patch, but while I was on a search for trains I found much more to embroider. I cannot wait to show you all! You must keep checking back here to see.
I made this little fella personalized for my daughters boyfriend but with just a change of ribbon color as seen below you can personalize with favorite color ribbon. I had forgotten to add the hanger ribbon but you get the idea. ;) 


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