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Friday, September 27, 2019

Echo Ridge Slouch Hat

Posted by Angela B. at 9:17 PM

I have been trying to find a free pattern that would be beginner friendly for a Crochet A Long in the Beginner’s Crochet Group on Facebook. In order to narrow down a pattern I like to work it up first. Needless to say this pattern is more advanced than a beginner would do. It uses front and back post double crochet stitches, but once you learn them you realize this is a super easy pattern. It took me two days, last night into this morning. The pattern said one skein of Red Heart Boutique yarn and this used well over two skeins, in fact, I only had two and used some off white for the last three closing rounds at the top. I hope to add a pom pom to cover that up, like you see in photo. It was used for photo purposes only. ;) 

Free Pattern:


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