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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Crochet Circle in a Square Granny Square

Posted by Angela B. at 1:08 PM

For my first attempt for the Circle in a Square Granny square #3 in 365 Days of Granny Squares, by even watching the Yarntopia video tutorial somehow I lost count and made a mistake. By the time I made it to the end I had to add 3 extra stitches and ended up still being one short on one side. Ugh!

I need my written patterns! I already dread squares and question myself why am I doing these? I am doing them because I wanted to join in the fun with the other members of my Beginner's Crochet Group on Facebook. I have made through 3 and this one will need to be redone if I want to figure it out, but until I find a written pattern.

Are you interested in 365 Days of Granny Squares? If so, click this link


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