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Friday, November 29, 2013

Crochet Owl Pouches

Posted by Angela B. at 3:19 PM


I started off making a blue and green small one similar to the on the right as a swap item for an Owl swap I joined in the Blazing Hooks group on Facebook. The first one was lost in the mail, so I made another and added a coaster to it, I posted it earlier here on my blog. While I was making the little one on right, my daughters best friend was visiting and adored them and she wanted one. Hers is the one on the far left. After posting pictures of my fun project on my Facebook page an online friend who just so happens to LOVE anything owl. She offered to pay me for one and I made her the one in the middle. I did not accept payment from her. ;) Aren't they adorable! I will add the link to the site where I obtained the pattern soon onto this posting! Stay Tuned!


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