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Monday, October 29, 2012

Freedom isn't Free quilting Bee

Posted by Angela B. at 9:42 AM


How many of you know Holly from AnySoldier.com? - Holly Hasper, her husband Andy and their new daughter. Amelia was born on 10-1-12 at 27 weeks gestation. She weighed 2 lbs 2 oz and was 13 inches. She is currently battling an intestinal infection and a heart defect common in micro preemies but over all is doing pretty good. When Mary Anne sent Deni the squares for the baby quilts a couple of years ago, she had some left over waiting for another military baby. She believes God wants her to make one for Amelia. I agree full heartedly.  Above is the quilt with one of the squares I had submitted for the quilt. Isn't it just precious! Along with the quilt I hope each of you reading this says a little prayer for Amelia's full recovery!


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