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Monday, July 2, 2012

No Place like Gnome

Posted by Angela B. at 7:15 AM


We have met some of the best people on our camping trips and one of the ways I met so many like minded camping peeps is that I joined Pop Up camping forums online. It was there I found people were meeting up at campgrounds from around the world. One of the best people we met at the MidCon Rallies in America are our beloved friends Rae & Fred from Ely, Minnesota. Rae is not only an avid camper, but she writes novels, and has a few articles in PopUp Times magazine, did I mention she can crochet? She made everyone at the rally a Traveling Gnome. I adore this guy and as you see he is letting us know that during the Obama era the gas prices were sky rocketing to nearly $5 a gallon. They do not make traveling come easy for us penny pinchers!


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