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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Wood Burning Fun!

Posted by Angela B. at 6:16 PM 0 comments


Hello again friends and followers!

I have had this cabinet door sitting for over a year with this image penciled onto it, so that one day I would wood burn it into the door. I have no project in mind for it, I just wanted to do it for fun. And to play around with my new wood burning kit.

 I wood burned a squirrel image onto a piece of pine I believe in the 6th grade. I tried again for a camp site sign for my husband and I. It turned out really good, I will have to find it and post a picture if I haven’t already. 

So this would be my 3rd project with trying wood burning.  It was fun and definitely kept me busy after work and on weekends when I wasn’t doing chores or playing with my pets. 


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