Oh my word! Talk about a Mother's Day full of presents! I thought it was my birthday for a minute! Above is a photograph of all the gifts I received this year. My husband, Johnathan spoiled me this year with everything I need to start machinery embroidery projects, my daughter's gifts were also amazing she handmade all of her gifts for me! She made me a beautiful vase in Pottery class, a tissue paper rose for the vase, and while we were away on our camping trip she sneaked into my crafts and created me a handmade Mother's Day card! :D My son said he wanted to get me a 100 roses and a box of candy that he had heard about on the radio, but with his shifts he ended up getting me the adorable T-shirt that says It's All About Me, Deal With It! ...lol! It might have to go into a quilt or something since its a bit small for me! ;)
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Mother's Day! It feels like Christmas and I think I am ready to go play with my new toys!!
Crochet a Stunning Afghan: Diamonds are Forever ePattern
Oombawka Design Crochet - All Free Crochet Patterns and Tutorials
If you love crochet projects that look detailed but are easy to make, the
Diamonds are ...
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